Stay at 🏠 Coloring Book

Well hello everyone,

Thank you for stopping by during these unusual times. As we all spend time with our family, suite-mates, roommates, or other "bunkies," to #stopthespread, we at Beagle FX want to offer a little something.

The company's owner spent a fair amount of time in early childhood education and has a little artist of his own. We'd like you to join us in some decompression and a little learning through our coloring pages. We'll keep posting new pages to download and print out throughout this period of staying at home. 

We want to invite you to join our newsletter for more freebies, tips and coupons. Enjoy and stay safe out there.

Sean, Creative Director at Beagle FX a Beagle Brand LLC co.  

Letter A coloring page

letter A coloring page

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